

  1. 答:Haruki Murakami can be described as contemporary Japanese writer of a banner, as well as Chinese readers, especially young readers with a wide-ranging and far-reaching impact on one of the authors. His novels the heroine is ubiquitous youth of the late poetic inquiry, attachment and thinking, as well as the past home of the watch, with the broken-hearted about.The reason for Haruki Murakami Haruki Murakami, in his work behind the idea of the depth and resonance caused by a large number of readers. "Look for the sheep Adventures" is the first step in Haruki Murakami than enough length scale, the paper of the novel to read Haruki Murakami's travel writing ideas.
  2. 答:别作弊!!!抓到就没戏了!!!!
  1. 答:译文:
    Marcks with many outstanding literary works is famous all over the world, and to the deep and original view of literature and aesthetic pursuit in the world. Marcks's works is rooted in Latin America, exposing the authoritarian politics and society in contemporary Latin America'sindifference, the author reflects on the free, democratic hopes and aspirations. "The evil hour" as the first Marcks prize winners, the bines the usual "news literature" writing and "lonely soul" of the theme, show the "loyal to the reality," intervention "reality" basic concept of literature.Through Marcks's early works "evil hour" of realistic literature author's view, news writing techniques, on the loneliness theme, has great significance for literary creation and literary theoryof our research.
  1. 答:"Pu-liu people," Liu Shaotang are representative, issued in 1980, has its unique artistic style caused widespread concern in the literary scene at that time, the story of the background of the novel happened in the 20th century, 30 years, the focus of work is put pen to the edge of the ancient canals folk customs and fellow-portrait, this article on the works of national style, local features, local content subjects, such as described.
