

问:标志设计 用英语这么说?
  1. 答:logo design
  2. 答:logo design
  1. 答:LOGO design
  2. 答:Logo design
  1. 答:Designs the illustration to design original the advertisement handbill poster notice to design the symbol to design the digit visual arts to design the graph to design the demonstration to design the market investigation and study questionnaire format to design books cover design the books format to design the enterprise product to proclaim the circular design
  2. 答:原画设计晌塌 Original design
    插画设宴州圆计 Illustration design
    广告招贴设计 Advertisement handbill poster notice design
    标志设计 Symbol design
    数字视觉艺术设计 Digit visual arts design
    图形设计 Graph design
    展示设计 Demonstration design
    市场调研问卷版式设计 Market investigation and study questionnaire format design
    书籍封面设计 Books cover design
    书迹团籍版式设计 Books format design
    企业产品宣传单设计 The enterprise product proclaims the circular design
    2008 感恩 个人设计展 2008 feel grateful individual design exhibition
  3. 答:原画设计
    design of the original picture
    design of the illustration
    design of the poster
    design of the sign
    design of the digital visual art
    design of the graph
    design of the display
    design of the market questionaire
    design of the book cover
    design of the book format
    design of the enterprise's leaflet
    2008 感恩 个人设计展
    gratitude in 2008: display of personal designs
  4. 答:original design
    illustration design
    advertise handbill poster design
    symbol design
    digital vision art design
    graph design
    exhibition design
    market investigation questionnaire format design
    book cover design
    book format design
    product throwaway desaign
    personal design appreciation exhibition of 2008
  5. 答:原画设计original painting design
    插画设计artistic illustration design
    广告招贴设计advertising poster design
    标志设计Design of sign
    数字视觉艺术设计Digital visual art design
    图运昌形设计 figure design
    展示设计exhibition design
    市场调研问旁虚扒卷版式设计questionnaire format of market survey design
    书籍封面设誉链计Design of front cover of the books
    书籍版式设计 book format design
    企业产品宣传单设计Enterprise's products propaganda design
    2008 感恩 个人设计展 2008 thanksgiving Personal design exhibition
  6. 答:原画设计晌塌 Original design
    插画设宴州圆计 Illustration design
    广告招贴设计 Advertisement handbill poster notice design
    标志设计 Symbol design
    数字视觉艺术设计 Digit visual arts design
    图形设计 Graph design
    展示设计 Demonstration design
    市场调研问卷版式设计 Market investigation and study questionnaire format design
    书籍封面设计 Books cover design
    书迹团籍版式设计 Books format design
    企业产品宣传单设计 The enterprise product proclaims the circular design
    2008 感恩 个人设计展 2008 feel grateful individual design exhibition
  7. 答:原画设计 ;The original design
    插画设计; illustration design
    广告招贴设计;advertisement handbill poster notice design
    标志设计symbol design
    数字视觉艺术设计 ;numeral vision art design
    图形设计;graph design
    展示设计;demonstration designs
    市场调研问卷版式设计;the market investigation and study 市场调研问卷版式设计 ;questionnaire format design
    书籍封面清衡稿设计;books title page design
    书籍版式设计;books format design
    企业产答孝品宣传单设计;enterprise product to proclaim the circular to design
    2008 感恩拦早 个人设计展;2008 to feel grateful individual design to unfold
